Dr. Jennifer L. Yaek, PE
President and Principal Engineer

Dr. Jennifer Yaek, President and Principal Engineer of Impact Analysis, Inc. brings more than 25 years of extensive experience in accident reconstruction, vehicles dynamics and data analysis to the organization. Her work in accident reconstruction includes all types of accidents including passenger vehicles, light and heavy-duty trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, buses, farm equipment, and industrial equipment. She specializes in the reconstruction of complex accident situations including front, rear, and side high-speed collisions, low-speed collisions, pole/guard rail impacts, and post-collision fuel-fed fires.
Dr. Yaek also has extensive expertise in the investigation of vehicle rollover crashes including assessments of vehicle handling response, tire/component failure, rollover dynamics, and rollover stability.
Dr. Yaek received her Master Degree and PhD in Biomedical Engineering with a concentration in Impact Biomechanics and has provided expertise in the areas of human injury tolerance, occupant kinematics, and rigid body dynamics associated with transportation related impacts, sports activities, heavy equipment, farm equipment, falls, and consumer products since 2012. While at the University of Michigan, she was involved with the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute’s (UMTRI) research in the areas of offset frontal impacts and lower extremity injuries, and her dissertation research involved analysis of child impact response in side impact collisions.
Dr. Yaek has conducted and been involved with numerous physical demonstrations including high and low-speed full-scale crash tests, sled tests, vehicle and ATD (anthropometric test device) component testing, and vehicle handling response demonstrations. She is also highly skilled in the analysis and use of computer programs and simulations as well as photogrammetry in the reconstruction of crashes and rollovers.
Prior to founding Impact Analysis, Inc., Dr. Yaek provided analyses, consultation and expert witness testimony for Exponent (2012-2020) and M.P. Holcomb Engineering (1996 -2012).
Academic Credentials and Professional Honors
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering,
Wayne State University, 2017
M.S., Biomedical Engineering,
Wayne State University, 2012
M.S., Mechanical Engineering,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1996
B.S., Mechanical Engineering,
Michigan Technological University,
magna cum laude, 1994, Pi Tau Sigma
STAPP John Melvin Student Paper Award, 2018 and 2019
Licenses and Certifications
Licensed Professional Engineer, Michigan, #6201045041
Licensed Professional Engineer, Alabama, #28240
Licensed Professional Engineer, Mississippi, #19818
Certified Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Analyst
Certified Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Technician
Remote Pilot License, #4111699
Prior Experience
Principal Engineer (2017-2020); Senior Managing Engineer (2012-2017),
Exponent, Inc.
Partner and Consultant, M.P. Holcomb Engineering Corporation, 2004-2012
Consultant, M.P. Holcomb Engineering Corporation, 2000-2004
Engineer, M.P. Holcomb Engineering Corporation, 1996-2000
Engineering Intern, M.P. Holcomb Engineering Corporation, 1995-1996
Engineering Intern, Detroit Diesel, 1993